When searching for a job in today’s volatile job market, you’re probably in competition with others who could possibly know more about how to actually perform the job than you.
You may have put together the most incredible resume, touting all your skills, achievements and your basic intelligence. But, there’s one thing that may be missing from your resume that most employers are now looking for – emotional intelligence.
Even though your skills may be finely honed for the job you’re applying for, you may have missed one thing that employers are now looking and testing for – emotional competence.
When research was conducted a few years back, results showed that those employees who had higher IQs performed lower than those with average IQs. That caused employers to sit up and take notice.
As research continued, it was proven that emotional intelligence was the key to top performing employees. Employers began to use that factor to tip the scales when it comes to deciding between various job applicants.
Emotional intelligence is intangible and is something we all have to some degree. It helps us to understand ourselves – why we think and do things and to understand others and why they make certain decisions.
The skills we gather from pursuing emotional intelligence helps us to get in control of our emotions, time and teaches us how to relate to others’ emotions and the experiences that have made them who they are.
That skill turns into one that we can use to manage people – and companies are now aware of that. They are going to hire the person who is best at socializing, recognizing social cues and who shows empathy toward others – not the person who is emotionally low on the scale.
To begin your pursuit for emotional intelligence, you must first challenge yourself to find out what you truly want from life. Emotional intelligence can provide a clear understanding of why you are like you are and where you’re headed in life.
You’ll be better able to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses – a good skill to project to a future employer and one that shows you’re competent and understanding. You’ll no longer waste your time – or the interviewers’ time – interviewing for jobs that aren’t cut out for you.
Emotional intelligence can be a great tool during an interview. Depending on your skill level of emotional intelligence, you’ll be able to pick up on subtle nuances and clues of the interviewer and better understand how to continue.
The good news is that emotional intelligence can be learned and practiced. As you become more proficient in the skill you’ll be able to project yourself as a person who can effectively manage yourself and others. That will lead you to getting the job you want.