You have the wrong idea about emotional intelligence if you think it’s meant to silence you and your emotions during anger or frustration. It’s the opposite – emotional intelligence motivates you to do something about the anger and frustration of a situation in a positive and intelligent manner.
Those who are blessed with emotional intelligence understand their own psychological makeup and are better at managing stress. They’re also less likely to suffer from depression and find it easy to form positive relationships.
Motivation is what helps you meet your goals, become fulfilled and to enjoy a great quality of life. It doesn’t matter what your IQ is – if you don’t have motivation to succeed, you won’t.
There is intrinsic type of motivation which means that you love what you’re doing and are motivated within to do the right thing or be more productive in your work. You can effectively overcome hurdles and challenges because of your belief system that is intrinsic to you.
Extrinsic motivation is when you’re driven by things happening around you to achieve success. Fear of losing your job, getting a raise or promotion and other outside factors keep you motivated to come to work each morning.
An external factor such as fear of retribution may also prevent you from losing your temper at a boss or spouse. You’d rather keep the peace than risk estrangement or losing your job.
No matter what keeps you motivated, it’s emotional intelligence that keeps you on track. You find ways other than violence or anger to control a situation and make it work to your satisfaction.
With emotional intelligence fosters enthusiasm in what you do, initiative to take action and persistence in getting the job done. The positive attitude that comes with emotional intelligence lets you work out issues without negative emotions based on knee-jerk reactions rather than well-thought-out plans.
Emotional intelligence also provides the energy you need to stay motivated. Unless you stay motivated – either at work or in relationships – you risk losing what you’ve worked so hard to build.
Motivation can’t be achieved by others telling us what to do in an enthusiastic manner. Your enthusiasm has to come from the inside – from a place of emotional intelligence. This is what gives your life meaning and purpose.
You will never truly find your real purpose in life unless you get to know yourself in a way that allows you to dig deeply into your psyche for answers. Not knowing who you are or what you want in life can render you silent.
Emotional intelligence comes from knowing exactly who you are and what you want. Without it you risk the downfall of your body and mind connection and the ability to achieve what you want in life.